Friday, 8 June 2018

June Update

Our works on the Primary School are currently winding down, little heavy traffic shall be arriving on site and disruption should be minimal. The last few finish touches are being added so here are few photos.

Monday, 21 May 2018

May Update

It has been some time since the last post, a lot of things have happened. The fixed furniture in most of the rooms is now in place. The outside has been tarmacked and there it is not likely that any other heavy plant will be arriving. Its should start to get quieter on site.

This is the reception room that is almost finished.

And in my opinion the best feature of this room is the microwave.

Monday, 9 April 2018

April Update 1

Week 3 of the hall photos, note that the floor is completed. Check the Malvern Vale Facebook page out for the full 360 photo.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

March Update 2

Here is a picture from the same place as last week, just goes to show how much can happen in one week.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

March Update 1

Now that the snow has gone, work can continue at the school. We recently acquired a 360 camera so we can now do wide angle photos and eventually 360 photos. The picture below is of Class 5, the fixed furniture has now been installed on the left. The teaching wall is on the right.
This is a picture of the hall below, currently it is in less of a complete than the class rooms. 

Monday, 26 February 2018

February Update 2

Within the last few weeks there have been some editions to the site. The soffit boards have just started going up as well as additions inside, such as the plumbing, hand dryers and doors in the toilets.